20 Calmest And Quietest Dog Breeds That Do Not Bark And That You Can Adopt

There are no mute dogs, but there are some silent and calm puppies that are perfect for living together at home.

Dogs use barking as a means of communication. Some tend to bark more regularly and continuously compared to others who do it punctually. It should be noted that, in reality, dogs that bark little can be a blessing and are usually related to good behavior and a low level of aggression.

Although it is natural for puppies to make noise when they sense an interruption, need attention, or have something to communicate to you, many of us would prefer a dog that kept his mouth closed most of the time. Therefore, we want to explain all the details about silent and calm dogs and what these breeds are.

What Are The Dogs That Bark The Least?

Medium dog breeds, small and large, calmer and less barking, are perfect to live with in an apartment or a small apartment, such as the Basenji, known as a dog that never barks. In a community of neighbors, dogs that bark a lot can be very annoying, which is why a breed of dog that does not bark is ideal to avoid coexistence problems.

The dogs that bark and howl the most live better on a farm. There are very noisy ones with a loud bark, but other calm and calm dogs are perfect to live at home, such as the Border Collie, Basset Hound, Lhasa Apso, Maltese or the Greyhound, Bernese Mountain Dog, French Bulldog, among others.

It should be noted that there are also dog breeds that are perfect if you work at home. When you need concentration and calm, quieter and calmer dogs that are well-behaved are ideal for coexistence. In this way, you can be sure that they will have a good attitude. The simple fact of having one of the dogs that do not bark or that generally do not bark is a safe asset so that there are no problems with the family and neighbors.

Training So They Don’t Bark

Training can go a long way toward teaching your puppy when it is appropriate to bark and when he should remain calm. However, choosing one of the very calm dog breeds that is less likely to bark at any stimulus can also serve as a resource to prevent barking. There are intelligent dog breeds that can learn these guidelines easily and be in the group of dogs that bark the least, while others may find it more difficult.

The behavior of a dog comes precisely from its childhood education. If you can have a puppy and train it, then you can develop a calm attitude and temperament to have a very quiet dog. In any case, this is something that you work on for a long time until you learn the rules, whether it is an older or senior dog or a puppy.

What Happens If My Dog Doesn’t Bark?

Puppies begin to communicate when they are two or three weeks old. Being small, they are very calm dogs that do not bark. At this stage they usually make grunts or small moans. When the puppy reaches four months, you will surely already hear his barking to capture your attention, although each breed of dog has a different development. In any case, there are tricks and tips to prevent your dog from barking and develop a calm temperament.

If you have a very quiet dog that has stopped barking, you need to go to the vet. Strong dog breeds with few health problems that generally do not get sick, but if they stop barking, it is because something is wrong with them. Being one of the dogs that barks the least is not the same as being a dog that does not bark at all. This can be significant enough to know that something may happen to you.

If a puppy tries to communicate with you through barking, help him get comfortable with these noises. This way, your dog will be free to vocalize his physical or emotional needs and it will be easier to resolve some uncomfortable situations during training, during walks, or learn to prevent your dog from relieving himself at home. The most popular dog breeds or the least known ones need attention and care for coexistence at home.

In short, so that you have a broader idea of ​​the dog breeds that bark little, we have made the following selection.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dog

Originally, it was a working dog breed designed to help on Swiss farms. These gentle giants get along well with young families thanks to their balanced nature. However, they have favorites and often become attached to a particular person.

French bulldog

French Bulldog

They are happy dogs living in an apartment and do not need much exercise, just quick walks. In fact, their flattened noses make them do better in temperate climates with plenty of rest time. Their playful nature does not manifest itself in barking either.



The Basenji is known literally as a dog that never barks, because it makes very little noise, but the breed is not completely mute. When they decide to communicate, the hounds make strange noises that sound similar to typical Tyrolean chants.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This is one of the best dog breeds for people over 50 years old. There is a reason why the character Charlotte, in the series Sex and the City, had a Cavalier King Chrales Spaniel. The attributes of this small dog breed fit perfectly with city life: they are calm, friendly, and (of course) absolutely adorable. They rarely make noise.

Scottish Deerhound

Scottish Deerhound

The Scottish Deerhound is a breed of dog that does not bark much. Standing nearly 3 feet tall at the shoulders, a Scottish Deerhound probably won’t fit on your lap, but this tall hound makes up for it with a dignified and gentle personality. His medium energy level means he can appreciate a good gallop outside, followed by a long nap.

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

This small breed of dog only barks when necessary, but they typically make their presence known with what is called the Wheaten greeting, which always incorporates plenty of jumping to make the guests in your home feel comfortable with this welcome. It is a fairly calm breed of dog.

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu breed is very pretty and does not bark much. They are very quiet dogs, although they occasionally howl. What is undeniable is her beauty, with that soft and fluffy hair.



Bulldogs are one of the most loyal and affectionate dog breeds. The English version of bulldogs are more robust puppies that do not wake up too often, as they are content to continue sleeping on the couch. Good luck getting them to wake up for any reason.

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd is an active and very intelligent dog. This breed was developed in the United States, despite their name, and are guard dogs that alert their owners when they think something requires their attention, but are unlikely to start barking for no reason.

Irish setter

Irish setter

These beautiful red-coated setters are low-barking hunting dogs, not guard dogs, so their vocalizations tend to be limited to tracking their prey if you adopt one for your purpose. Because they are bred to work, they have a lot of energy, but also a sweet nature.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are happy, little barking small dogs. They are part of the exclusive list of adorable mixed breed dogs that you will fall in love with. Although small breeds tend to have a reputation for being noisy, this is not universally true. The mostly silent Shih Tzu historically lived with Chinese royalty, but they are more than happy to become the kings or queens of their humble abode. These cheerful pups have over a thousand years of experience as companions, making them expert roommates.



This large dog breed native to Russia is calm, almost feline-like. Borzos are spectacular, so they may well be part of the gallery of the most elegant dogs on Instagram. They look like a greyhound; In addition, they can reach speeds of up to 65 kilometers per hour, so it is best not to release them from their dog leashes until they are really well trained.

Glen of Imaal Terrier

Glen of Imaal Terrier

They are called Glen, but also Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier or Wicklow Terrier. If you like the energy of terriers, but could use a little less excitability, this gentler breed is for you. The Glens still have that strong spirit you love about the sport, but they play a little cooler (and calmer) than many of their more frenetic brethren.

Persian greyhound

Persian greyhound

Salukis or Persian Greyhounds can be a little independent (i.e. they will need a lot of training), but one word that doesn’t describe Salukis is loud. These quick-footed hounds can sprint at high speeds, and their loyalty to their owners is one of their most desirable qualities. If they are given a lot of guidance and a lot of exercise, they will give it their all.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback or Rhodesian Crested is a hunting breed with short hair and little bark. These “African lion dogs” get top marks for their good temperament, athletic demeanor, and affectionate nature. You will recognize them by a line of hair, which grows in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat and forms a small ridge over the spine.

Basset Hound

Basset Hound

A breed of dog that does not bark and shows a good attitude. He has a touching look and a really docile and calm demeanor. It is considered one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds.



A small breed of dog that, in general, shows a docile and friendly attitude. He does not usually bark, although he can occasionally do so, in the same way that he does make noises and some growls. Therefore, it is one of the beautiful dogs that do not bark and are ideal for life in the city.

Shar pei

Shar pei

One of the most unique and curious dogs due to its appearance. He has a peculiarity: a good attitude. It should be noted that it is a docile, friendly and pleasant animal to live with.



One of the calmest dog breeds that you can live with very well. He is docile and pleasant, with a calm and assertive temperament. Of course, he needs to go outside to burn energy to run and move.



One of the large dog breeds that impresses with its appearance; However, it usually has a calm temperament if it is trained from a young age not to bark. In farms or houses with a garden it is ideal for having your space outside.

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