Yorkshire Terrier: Characteristics And Care Of One Of The Most Popular Breeds

The best information about this beautiful breed Yorkshire Terrier that is small in size, adorable and very affectionate.

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the boldest and most intrepid small dog breeds. They are characterized by their small size, the way they move and the colors that predominate in their fur: brown, gray and black. They are very independent dogs compared to other small dog breeds or lap dogs.

If you want to know more about Yorkshire Terrier, keep reading and we will explain everything you need to know about one of the most beautiful dog breeds.

Yorkshire Terrier: Origin and Characteristics

The origin of the Yorkshire Terrier breed is found in Scotland and England. It was born in the mid-19th century and became a small and very pretty pet to have as a pet in homes. They received their name during the development of Yorkshire in the Victorian period, taking the name during the 1870s.

“Yorkshire Terrier, also known as Yorkies, are toy dogs that, on average, weigh around 3.2 kg and can live more than 12 years,” explains Claire Roberts, PDSA veterinarian. “Despite their small size, they tend to have a big personality, so owners will need a little patience during training.” It can be said that they are the smallest of the Yorkshire Terrier group and almost never exceed 3 kilos in weight.

What is a Yorkshire Terrier like? The hair is long, straight and a little curly. Does not cause allergies. In fact, it is in the group of hypoallergenic dog breeds. Its head is small, it has dark brown eyes, a long, hairy tail, and its ears are shaped like an inverted V. Beautiful Yorkshire Terrier tend to have similar patterns based on these aforementioned characteristics.

How to care for a Yorkshire Terrier?

Below, we explain some of the care for Yorkshire Terrier:

  • Requires daily exercise by going for a walk outside or running in the park, just like other breeds such as Beagles.
  • Food rich in vitamins, fatty acids and in quantities of 80-90 grams per serving.
  • They need attention, affection and playing with them from time to time to make them feel happy.
  • Daily brushing to avoid tangles.
  • If you don’t know how often to bathe a Yorkshire Terrier, our recommendation is to do it twice a month.
  • If more in-depth hygiene is preferred, veterinarians and dog groomers can clean teeth, cut and wash hair, and care for nails.

Do Yorkshire Terrier Bark a Lot?

Yorkshire Terriers are known for being vocal dogs and enjoy making sure their owners can hear their voice. Whether it’s someone at the door or an unfamiliar noise, they have a lot to say and will bark at any noise. They are the complete opposite of dog breeds that do not bark and are very calm.

For this reason, it is convenient to train your dog properly, an interesting method to control bad barking habits and know how to prevent your dog from barking. After all, you can learn behaviors for good training as you would, for example, with other breeds such as Golden Retrievers.

Are Yorkshire Terriers Family Friendly?

Originally, they were bred to hunt rats in mills; For this reason, Yorkshire Terrier dogs have a hunting instinct, with drive and determination. Known for being very determined, they are excellent pets for both those who live alone and for families with children. In any case, it is one of the perfect breeds for teleworking from home.

In addition, they are famous for creating strong bonds with their owners and are also considered excellent dog breeds for living in the city thanks precisely to their small size and their high level of adaptation to urban environments.

Who Should Own A Yorkshire Terrier?

According to expert Claire Roberts, “Yorkies are ideal for homes with older children, as they have very fragile bones, and younger children could accidentally injure them,” Claire explains. “As with any pet, we recommend learning as much as you can about the breed to ensure you can meet all of their welfare needs, to keep them happy and healthy. Like all dogs, Yorkshire Terriers need companionship and exercise, so it’s important to make sure your lifestyle allows it. They also need daily walks and regular grooming.”

Yorkshire Terrier, like other breeds such as the Welsh Corgi, are very cute and suitable for older people. They keep you company, they behave well, they weigh very little and they cannot be a good excuse to go outside daily for a walk.

9 Fun Facts About Yorkshire Terriers You Probably didn’t Know

  • In World War II, a Yorkie named Smoky was credited with saving the lives of soldiers.
  • They were first bred as working dogs, used to catch rats in clothing factories.
  • Some people believe that the breed was developed by Scots working in Yorkshire wool mills.
  • Yorkies have won records for being the smallest dogs, many times.
  • Audrey Hepburn helped introduce Yorkshire Terrier to the celebrity world, featuring her Yorkie in the 1957 film, Funny Face.
  • One of the dog breeds that most enjoy car trips, just like Bulldog dogs.
  • Their fur has a texture similar to human hair.
  • Some puppies can also be stubborn and stubborn with house training.
  • It is one of the dog breeds that barely sheds hair.

In short, if you are going to adopt a Yorkshire Terrier puppy and you have already chosen one of the most original dog names, all you have to do is enjoy their company and start living day to day with an affectionate, beautiful and fun breed of dog.

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